It seems like just yesturday that I was complaining about not having the right hair scruchee to match my favorite shirt. Then I'm in my present day life and now responsible for my own bills and my parents are "cutting the cord". I am starting my journey my journey as a full fledged adult. Although I'm still living at home and I do contribute to the household. I don't pay rent to my parents and I won't unless I don't go to school. They are still there for me and won't ever stop. Slowly I 'm learning to be independent in my own skin. I don't know when I will move out on my own but there will be a time that I need to. I used to think that life was going in slow motion to become an adult, but now it's in super fast foward. But I think with what my parents have taught me I will be atleast a fairly stable adult. One thing my parents always taught me to always think positive thoughts and keep the faith in the Lord. There are times when I don't think I can do it and they remind me that I can and remind me of how I have made out of the suprising pot holes in the road of life. So to everyone out there you can do anything you put your mind to and any ting is possible through God!!!!
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.