Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Hypersonic Expedition... Get Ready To Hold On For Daear Life!!!

It seems like just yesturday that I was complaining about not having the right hair scruchee to match my favorite shirt. Then I'm in my present day life and now responsible for my own bills and my parents are "cutting the cord". I am starting my journey my journey as a full fledged adult. Although I'm still living at home and I do contribute to the household. I don't pay rent to my parents and I won't unless I don't go to school. They are still there for me and won't ever stop. Slowly I 'm learning to be independent in my own skin. I don't know when I will move out on my own but there will be a time that I need to. I used to think that life was going in slow motion to become an adult, but now it's in super fast foward. But I think with what my parents have taught me I will be atleast a fairly stable adult. One thing my parents always taught me to always think positive thoughts and keep the faith in the Lord. There are times when I don't think I can do it and they remind me that I can and remind me of how I have made out of the suprising pot holes in the road of life. So to everyone out there you can do anything you put your mind to and any ting is possible through God!!!!

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Reading Between The Lines

I recently attended the furneral of a friend that had passed away due to Stage 4 brain cancer. I had only known this friend for about six months. He left behind his daughter of about the age of seven. I've always wondered why bad things happen to good people. It was at the funeral that everything that I had learend in my faith was starting to make sence. We are sent on this earth to do a special job and once we do that job God will take us back to heaven the spend the rest of our soul's life in harmony. Even if it means taking your life at the most inconveient time for others. This friend was only 42 years old and he had a daughter that was his life. He had also just asked the love of his life to marry him months before his diagnosis. God wants you to keep the faith in him and understand that things happen for a reason and it is not meant to hurt us but make us stronger. Darryl was an extraordinary man that gave more of himself than anyone can repay. He used to laugh for no reason. He cared for his daughter, Sami. He received Sami at just the right time to give him something to live for. He was the most truthful man anyon could ever know. His last wish was that all of his family and friends had faith in God or we needed to go find it. I don't mean to make is seem that all I thought about is myself but at Darryl's funeral I was spoken to that I myself needed to renew my faith in the Lord and love him with all of my being. We shouldn't even think that or life will never get better because it will. The minister at the funeral said "Life is like a a relay race and you are here to do the plan that God has set out for you and when you dying it is your chance to pass the baton to another person and once you pass it securely you pass away." I think that that is the most blunt way you can put life. So in the end we should live each and everyday like we were dying tomorrow. Thank You Darryl for gracing my life when you did because my life would not be the same if we had met.. You are a true inspiration to me to what kind of person God wants you to be.
R.I.P Darryl A. Smith 1964-2007.

Inspiration never arrived when you were searching for it.
-Lisa Alther

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Ladies Of Virtue & Excellence

L.O.V.E is a club that helps women with their faith in God. This organization has many local clubs. They have retreats and siminars for it's members. This organization offers a support system for many women who are starting or already on their walk with God. A prospective member will have to email the website and they will send you information on joining a club and the nearest to you.

I really appriciate this website because it helps a person with their faith in God. This really will help any one who has problems with their faith. Because I myself have gotten lossed many times on my walk with the holy spirit. I also beleive that this will help all who read the information.

Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me'
Johm 4:16

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Put On Your Big Girl Panties and Deal With It!!!

Time always seems to be crunched when I want to be something else other than work, homework, or everyday chores. Scheduling things in really insane. Something I have learned as an adult is that you can't always do what you whant when you want to do it. Everything has to be scheduled and even then you can't always get everything in in one day. Or when you take your mind off your homework for what you think is only two minutes and find out it's two hours later. One wise woman once told me to "Put on your big girl panties and and deal with it"!! At the time I thought she was nuts as in many instances she is. But now I know that she meant it as a good thing. I think she was just trying to say is that don't dwell that it isn't what you want at the moment but just take what your given and run with it. I know that it can be hard to deal with time crunches and given a job that seems like it's never going to get done. But it will at sometime or another. God is going to throw you curve balls and your going to have to catch them to know what to do when he throws you the next one and the really big one that you will need to put all your skills together and work it. Sometimes I wish life came with an owners manual but we aren't blessed with one and I don't know if we'll ever fully understand life. I guess there's a time to learn that we need to learn. So now the time when we just "Put on our Big Girl Panties and Deal With It"!!! Or "Big Boy Pants" if your a guy!!!

Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Keeping the Faith

My blog is going to just be about keeping the faith as a young adult and the things that you learn as you growup. Because keeping the faith in today's world is so hard. Among other things learning how to funtion as a sane adult is something that we may never know about and should be left up to the creator . Because I hae found that becoming an adult is hard on you. I don't know maybe it's me but the immence amount of stress on adult is really intence. But I've always been taught that if you don't like the situation your in you can always change it. Don't forget to laugh it's the best natural medicine!!!!! I hope this blog can help anyone that reads it!!!!!!

You grow up the day you have your first real laugh — at yourself.
-Ethel Barrymore

Friday, April 6, 2007


Testing. testing 123